
Central Hall Westminster’s IT Manager Kim Carrington was awarded a prize for her outstanding commitment to her profession by the Meetings Industry Association (MIA).

Hi-tech central London conference & events venue, Congress Centre, has recently upgraded AV facilities in the Council Chamber, the second largest events space in the popular 1950s' listed modernist venue.

The National Conference Center compiled ten tips for conducting more productive meetings.

Centaur Exhibitions is launching a major hosted buyer led show for the UK meetings industry which will take place on 9-11 July 2013 at Olympia, London.

London Canal Museum in King's Cross has just completed a project to restore the walls of its main staircase to natural brick appearance.

Leicester Conferences at the University of Leicester receive two awards at the 2012 Meetings and Incentive Travel National Industry Awards.

Confex blog day 3

March 08, 2012

The final day at Confex and along with drummers, people on stilts and mannequins, we’ve done all we can all to get noticed!

Confex blog day 2

March 08, 2012

Well another busy day for the venues team at Confex, although a lot of other exhibitors are reporting a decrease in footfall this year after the move from Earls Court.

The venues team were up with the birds ensuring our stand was ready for visitors to the International Confex Exhibition.

Center Parcs has announced that the construction of its 5th UK village, Woburn Forest in Bedfordshire, will commence in the next few weeks. The construction phase will last for approximately two years, with a scheduled opening date now set for spring 2014.