
One Great George Street, the leading conference, meeting and events venue in the heart of Westminster, has scooped a gold award for ‘Best Direct Marketing Campaign’ at the 2011 Meetings Industry Marketing Awards (MIMA).

The University of Leicester has recently started work on constructing a new sports complex at the Oadby Student Village that will significantly enhance the existing sports facilities.

The University of Leicester has gained planning approval for a £14m project to transform a former hall of residence into a residential conference venue.

Leicester Conferences at the University of Leicester was delighted to welcome back the TOGs (Terry’s Old Geezers or Gals) for their annual convention. The 2011 event marks the 7th time it has been held at the University and this year’s gathering had a very Italian theme with the title of ‘MILAN’ – Make It Leicester Again Norm (with reference to Norman Macintosh, the TOGs main organiser).

Stoke Mandeville Stadium on Guttmann Road in Aylesbury is going green this December as it invests in updating the swimming pool lighting for a more eco-friendly system.

Birmingham has been selected as the top UK events destination outside London for the third year in a row, according to an in-depth study of the views of more than 600 British event organisers by The British Meetings & Events Industry Survey 2011/12 (BMEIS).

Seasoned Events, part of the Crown Group, has secured an exclusive three-year contract with Thames Luxury Charters (TLC) to provide banqueting and events services aboard its fleet of four luxury charter boats, situated at Butler’s Wharf by Tower Bridge.

The national centre for wheelchair sport and Aylesbury’s leading local leisure centre on Guttmann Road has just been re-awarded and reaccredited with the Hospitality Assured standard - the definitive standard for service and business excellence in hospitality and the only standard that focuses on the customer experience.

The UK Venue Show, 1-2 February 2012, is fast approaching and exhibitor stands are being snapped up and keynote speakers confirmed.

Nick de Bois MP, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Events, will launch the Britain for Events campaign on 27th October 2011 alongside industry thought leaders representing the UK meetings and events industry.