TechNOphobia - The Association of British Professional Conference Organisers (APBCO) next event, on 9 October, 2013 will focus on the need for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the ever changing landscape of event organisation. The topic of the event clearly demonstrates the association’s ongoing mission to provide members with added value through education.
The TechNOphobia series has been developed to give PCOs hands-on experience, including practical demonstrations of new technology and case studies. They are suitable for all levels of knowledge and experience, and include an ‘amnesty’ to those who are uncomfortable with new event technology but are keen to understand more in order to advise clients.
The session, which takes place on 9 October 2013 at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, will focus on supporting the event management process with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). This advanced technology, which is becoming more common in events, particularly those tracking delegate movement, enables devices to capture data on tags and transmit it to a computer system, without the need for physical contact.
Speakers include Clemi Hardie, Managing Director of Noodle Live, Nigel Paine, who regularly delivers keynote speeches around the world, presenting ideas around leadership learning and technology, and Greg Parmley, Chief Information Officer at Intellitix with Martin Jac, Managing Director of Think Different Events Ltd, acting as facilitator.
Jennifer Jenkins, ABPCO Chair and MCI UK Managing Director, says: “Providing educational content which meets the needs of our association focused members and helps their development is an integral part of our mission. We are here to add value to our members’ professional lives, increasing their capabilities and skills, whilst supporting them through networking and the development of relationships.
“TechNOphobia is a perfect example of this as we help industry professionals increase their understanding of technology, its relevance in a conference setting and the ways in which they can make technology work for them, their events and their clients. Like all of our education events it looks to the future and opportunities for personal development as attendees become more aware of technological trends and their usage.”
The event is open to APBCO members and non members. For more information visit
ABPCO is the UK’s leading organisation for professional conference and event organisers, industry associates and those studying for, or seeking a career in the conference and meetings industry.