Final 2011 statistics underline the massive contribution business visits are making to UK Tourism. Domestic Tourism figures for January – December 2011 show business trips up 14% and spend up 21%.
The GB Tourism Survey released by VisitEngland also reported growth in business visits ahead of both VFR (+10%) and holidays (+7%) whilst expenditure on both increased by 13%. The statistics come on the back of positive figures shared last month for incoming international business travel which showed a growth of 6% higher in 2011 over 2010 surpassing the growth experienced in holiday travel.
Michael Hirst Chairman of the Business Visits & Events Partnership, commented; “Yet again business travel has shown that it leads the way in the economic recovery within Britain. Many of these business visits are to conferences, exhibitions and special events where British products and services are on show, and at meetings where scientific, medical and technological advancements are being developed".
“The British business events sector is proving once again the enormous value it makes to the visitor economy, trade, exports, enterprise, the knowledge economy, culture and the well-being of local communities,” Hirst concluded.