MMU Conference and Events has been awarded the Green Tourism Gold standard for its outstanding sustainability performance, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring that delegates and visitors to the University not only appreciate, but contribute towards, the institute’s sustainability mission.
With over 2000 conference venues and accommodation providers enrolled, the Green Tourism scheme is the largest sustainable certification programme of its kind; and a recent accreditation assessment scored MMU across ten different categories including social responsibility, energy saving and sustainability innovation.
The assessor was duly impressed by MMU’s commitment to sustainable practices, noting: “MMU Conference and Events have made a fantastic start in the Green Tourism programme, achieving Gold at the first attempt. There are numerous examples of best practice noted onsite”.
Many departments in Estates and Facilities contributed to the achievement of the Gold Award including the Environment Team, Property Services, Catering and Residential Services, and this was recognised by the assessor, who said: “The Gold award is a result of the enthusiasm of the staff across the campus, as well as the robust policies and procedures held by the University”.
This latest accreditation, following the Eco Campus Gold award achieved by MMU in March, recognises the continuous efforts made across the University to ensure practices are as sustainable as possible.
For more information about MMU's sustainable venues, visit the website at: