Historic mill 'could become conference centre'

A cotton mill in Mansfield could be turned into a conference centre under new plans to preserve the building, it is reported.

The Hermitage Mill Partnership is considering plans to transform the Grade II-listed factory into an events venue with a restaurant and facilities for holding wedding receptions, educational displays and art and craft workshops, according to Chad.co.uk.

Site occupiers Buildbase left the property in December and the historic building, which dates back to the 1800s, has stood empty since.

"Hermitage Mill is our last chance to keep an element of Mansfield's industrial and social past," says district councillor June Stendall, vice president of the partnership.

The group has enlisted Dr Christopher Charlton, whose team restored Cromford Mill in Derbyshire, to help develop the plans for the building, according to the news provider.

Last week, Aagrah group opened a new £4 million conference centre in Thornbury, between Leeds and Bradford, the first of its kind to be built by an independent Yorkshire company.

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