International Confex 2021 - New dates announced

Year on year, International Confex visitor registration is up to 158% , showing that the event planning community are ready to meet.  The pincer movement of the hard lock down and vaccine roll out which is currently on schedule, has given the industry a more tangible tiered return to live events.

Mash Media are huge supporters of the events industry and spend a lot of time lobbying government through various channels and initiatives including One industry One Voice.

The International Confex team are championing the return to live events and want to offer the first domino in this return through International Confex running as an All-safe secure LIVE event.

ExCeL London and have just secured new dates of the 22nd and 23rd of June 2021. These dates offer us all more room for the climate to improve but will of course remain nimble.

 In extraordinary times, lets be extraordinary together.



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