The show, which is scheduled to run from 7-8 May 2011 at Olympia in London, compliments the event agency’s existing consumer events and marks the start of QD Events Ltd expanding their portfolio across the UK.
With a track record of successfully delivering a range of large scale consumer family events, including the Scottish Caravan and Outdoor Leisure Show and The Scottish Wedding Shows, the London Pet Show – previously run as the Ultimate Pet Show in the NEC - was an obvious choice of acquisition for QD Events Ltd.
“Our strategy is to continue to build our consumer show division across the UK, so this is an excellent addition to our portfolio and one that we believe has a great future” comments Fran McIntyre, Managing Director, QD Events Ltd. “Nicole and her team will continue to direct and manage the event, with full support from our existing team in Glasgow.”
Nicole Cooper, Managing Director, Blue Inc Events and founder of the show said; “We are delighted to be working with QD Events to deliver a strong consumer pet show and brand in London. We were looking to find an independent exhibition company buyer with expertise in delivering successful consumer shows and QD Events fits the bill perfectly.”
The event offers animal lovers the chance to meet and learn about a wide variety of animals as well as buying products and services for themselves and their pets.