Venues at CurryOke Event for Namuwongo

The team at were delighted to attend the CurryOke night held last night at The Enterprise Hotel, Earls Court.

The night consisted of 10 teams battling it out via a Karaoke competition, interspersed with a buffet of delicious Indian food, hence ‘CurryOke’.

Although fun, the evening had a serious theme. All proceedings from team entrance fees, raffles and competition fees went towards raising funds via Events for Namuwongo, a charity set up to assist the residents of a village in Uganda in providing fundamental needs from basic sanitary conditions to health and education.

The evening was a resounding success, which was more than can be said of the Venues team, who bowed out in joint last place after a painful rendition of Twist and Shout!

Our thanks go to our generous hosts at The Enterprise, Kripen and April for a wonderful evening.

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